No Stress, Travel Tattoo Guide
Have you ever considered traveling to get a new tattoo, whether in the town next to you or flying to the next continent we have some powerful tips to help fuel your tattoo adventure. Check out our latest blogs at to keep up-to-date on the latest trends in tattoo, tattoo aftercare and more. As we dive into this subject we will take a look at the different aspects of tattoo and travel, selecting your artist, setting up an appointment, travel, accommodations and leisure plus how to protect your Tattoo while out and about in the elements abroad.
Picking an artist can be a tough choice, or it can come real easy. You may see somebody’s art and think I really want a tattoo from this person and I’m willing to travel, or you may be going to a certain town or location and thinking how do I find an artist in this area. With A little bit of research these questions can be answered. And With a little bit of help on the Internet, you can locate artists in the area that you plan on visiting, or find an artist abroad that you plan on traveling to. Tattoo conventions are a great place to find tattoo artists, in a large gathering.
Now that you’ve hopefully came to a few choices, possibly the artist, or at least some shops in the area that you plan to visit. You will want to check to see if they are going to be open when you are be there. If the artist that you picked is available, and if they are willing to do the tattoo that you would like (that is if you have already picked a tattoo), and be sure to find out their policies about appointments, deposits, and artwork. Each shop has its own policy. (do not expect other shops to have the same policies)
Hopefully you’re headed off to somewhere grand and exciting. Depending on how far you are traveling for your Tattoo, you may need to drive, take a charter bus, train, or plane on your journey.There are so many different ways of transportation. Which ever path you choose make sure that everything is available, and be sure you bring a major credit card and valid drivers license when renting vehicles.
I find That the more exciting, a place you travel to and the more divine the accommodations can be, the more it will be reflected in the price. It is great to have choices. And depending on where you travel, you can find lots of great hotels, motels, and hostels in just about any populated area, and not to forget Airbnb, but be aware in advance especially during holidays and big events. Places get booked fast, so be sure that your accommodations fit your needs.

Everybody has their own travel itinerary, places to see, and events they would like to do. Keep in mind if you go to travel locations with water and plan on swimming, you might wanna wait to do your tattoo until the end of your trip. As well as if you plan on hiking and working out or doing heavy activities. Especially in the sun. But at the same time we all gotta do what we gotta do and when the time is right, get your tattoo. And be sure to visit us at for more great information.
Healing has disadvantages when the body is not resting or under stress. Traveling can definitely take a toll on how your body heals. You want to make sure your new Tattoo is safe, after all it is an investment that you had to travel for.
The artist you choose, will most likely have a healing procedure of their own. It may be very detailed or it may be very vague. And depending on the climate, the duration of your stay and how much traveling you plan on doing will also have to be taken into consideration in how you decide to take care of your new tattoo.
After you have gotten your new tattoo, there are many different things that your artist may cover your tattoo with. The most common types are, food grade plastic, you would typically remove in a couple of hours, others use adhesive bandage made of poly urethane or hydrocolloids that have gel forming polymers and help absorb excess fluid. Both these types can stay for up to seven days. These can be very beneficial and nice for traveling. You won’t have to touch your tattoo for the duration. Except a possibly change out of your bandage after the first night depending on how much blood, ink and excess proteins may build up or leak out. Whichever type your artist uses, is their own personal choice in most cases. You may bring your own Tattoo aftercare and ask them to apply it. (if anybody is hesitant to apply something you brought, no worries, You can apply it later if you like) I would still avoid swimming, excess sun, hiking, and heavy activities after getting a new tattoo regardless of the type of protection you get for your tattoo. Some of our other recommendations are to not slather your new tattoo with product within hours of getting it done. Soap and water will work just fine.
Be prepared in advance. If you feel that you are going to have a long sit and or don’t feel that you can handle the pain, maybe you should purchase some numbing cream in advance. If you know that you want to have a hydrocolloid dressing so that you don’t have to mess with your tattoo for days, then you might want to purchase this in advance as well as any soaps for cleaning specially, on a vacation when you don’t know if the ingredients are safe.
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